Request For Proposal On Impact Assessment Of Aipad Project In Bhagalpur, Bihar
Request For Proposal On Impact Assessment Of Aipad Project In Bhagalpur, Bihar
Action to Improve Public Schemes Access and Delivery (AIPAD) is a project initiated in 2014
Date: 18/12/2018
1. Introduction and Background of the Project :
Action to Improve Public Schemes Access and Delivery (AIPAD) is a project initiated in 2014 by The Nand and Jeet Khemka Foundation (NJKF), in Bhagalpur, Bihar, covering 5 blocks namely Kahalgaon, Pirpainti, Sanhoulla, Shahkund and Jagdishpur. The project aims to improve access to public schemes and services and enhance the wellbeing of citizens in Bhagalpur by using a participatory community based advocacy, monitoring and accountability model. The project focusses on increasing awareness of public schemes and services, with special focus on women, children and disadvantaged groups. Through community and household level interventions and by working in collaboration with the government, the project has specifically made people aware of their rights and entitlements and supported the efforts of the people to secure their rights.
2. Objectives of the Project
The purpose of this project is to improve and enhance the standard of living of the people of Bhagalpur District by using a participatory community based advocacy, monitoring & accountability model in three major themes : Health and Sanitation, Education and Social Security and the project is aimed towards the following specific objectives –
The results that the project aims to achieve are:
Result Area 1: Improved access to and increased uptake of public schemes
Result Area 2: Increased accountability towards beneficiaries of schemes
Result Area 3: Use of technology to collect, track and disseminate information
Result Area 4: Identification of best practices for replication
3. Purpose
In the last five years, AIPAD has made deep inroads in the fields of education, health, sanitation and social security for sustainable transformation in the target area of the project. Therefore, the purpose of the impact assessment study will be to outline the effectiveness of the project towards holistic development of women, children and other disadvantaged groups in the project area.
4. Scope of the Study
The study will be carried out in the target area of AIPAD project covering the project interventions since the beginning of the project. The specific objectives of the study will be as follows:
5. Specific Deliverables
6. Duration of the Study
The study needs to be initiated and completed between 1st January and 29th February 2019.
7. Payment Conditions
The payment of fees will be made on job completed basis of the agreed sum, subject to achievement of progress milestone to be mutually agreed. Agency may submit their proposal on terms and conditions for payment.
8. Contact Details and Deadline
For submission of proposals and any further queries, all correspondence may be directed to Ms Anuja Tripathi, email: The proposals along with financial bit need to reach us by 26th December 2018.
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