Democratizing Social Enterprise Incubation

Democratizing Social Enterprise Incubation

Intellecap’s Session on Exploring Virtual Incubation Platforms |

There is a critical need to innovate on existing startup incubation structures in India. Of the 125 odd incubators in India today, only 2 to 3% are private. By the year 2012 only 1600 of these enterprises had graduated. In India, incubators and capacity builders currently turn away between 80 to 98% of the startups that apply to them without any support. To add to this challenge, nearly all incubation models in India are space driven and over 75% depend on grant funding for survival.

GIZ, DFID and Intellecap have agreed to collaborate in order to explore virtual incubation. Through this interactive discussion, they intend to discuss their early findings and cultural and contextual challenges, demonstrate the work they have completed so far, and share their vision for this platform. A panelist of experts will actively encourage the audience to share their feedback, as well as to explore the possibility of future partnerships with them regarding this endeavor.