Squatting Rights

Squatting Rights

Dasra’s Session on Sanitation and Access to Toilets in Urban India |

In India, 1,600 children die every day before reaching their 5th birthday, 24% of girls drop out of school and more than 30% of marginalized women are violently assaulted every year as the lack of basic sanitation forces them to travel long distances to meet their needs. Implementing comprehensive sanitation and hygiene interventions, it is estimated, will avert 45% of health effects, enable 11% more girls to attend school and avoid other adverse impacts related to water, welfare, and tourism losses.

This session will address the following – how do habits, attitudes and culture play a deterrent to complete sanitation in India? How do the urban realties – in terms of demographics, communities, and facilities – affect the provision of sanitation? How are various stakeholders – government, development agencies, social businesses and non-profits – collaborating to promote open defecation free urban areas across India?